Download the new version Wipe Professional 2023.06
Download the new version Wipe Professional 2023.06

Or you can view detailed information about the area contains garbage on your computer. You can also customize cleaning process and choose which to delete and which item not. To prevent recovery of deleted data the program uses the security method follows: Method DoD 5220,22-M method, Gutmann (full 35 steps), GOST of Russia, and other methods. Wipe Pro - Clean up hard drive space, remove junk files system This program also delete all activities other individuals that you made when using the PC and regardless of which program: Windows, Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, Opera or any other program. You will be able to delete browser history and the cache, the file index.dat, registry, files, cookies, internet history, auto complete, temporary internet files and many other items. Wipe Pro is software that helps clean up litter, increase in hard drive space besides also protect your privacy on the Internet, it removes records about personal activity on the computer.

download the new version Wipe Professional 2023.06

Download Wipe Pro 2023 - Software to help clean up litter, increase hard drive space besides also protect your privacy on the Internet Wipe Pro:

Download the new version Wipe Professional 2023.06